How to add Highlighty to Opera browser (video)

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Ready to enhance your Opera browsing experience with Highlighty? Follow these steps to seamlessly integrate the extension:

Step 1: Open Your Browser

Launch your Opera browser from your desktop.

Step 2: Access Extensions Store

Click on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) at the top-left corner and select 'Extensions.'

Step 3: Find Highlighty

Type 'Highlighty' in the search bar of the Extensions page.

Step 4: Add Highlighty

When you find Highlighty, click to add it to your Opera browser.

Step 5: Confirm Installation

Follow the prompts to confirm the installation.

Step 6: Manage Extensions

After installation, click on the 'Manage Extensions' button to access the extension settings.

Step 7: Enable Permissions

In the extension settings, enable 'Allow access to file URLs' and 'Allow access to search page results' for Highlighty. This ensures the extension works properly across various web pages.

Congratulations! You've successfully integrated Highlighty into your Opera browser. Enjoy exploring the web with this powerful tool!

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